Czar Creative

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Zion National Park Illustration

Minimal Lines

Abstracting Nature

A favorite client of mine contacted me for some more t-shirt designs for the new year. I love working with this client because they let me run the creative direction.

This project was for 3 different events- Zion Half Marathon, Zion Ultra’s and Antelope Canyon Ultras. Earlier in 2019, I had a project for this park that had graphics that didn’t make the cut. I thought they were still good designs, so I thought I’d try and get one passed off, make up for the time spent on wasted art (I’d like to get them up as stock art someday).

After presenting to the client, and surveying the market, they decided they wanted to try a different style.

Artwork from previous project

Organic, to minimal to realistic sketch comps

Initial Drawings

After getting to detailed in the first drawing (left), I wanted to try and be more abstract and loose shapes (right). A totally different style (middle) can from my sketching, that is unistroke/minimalistic style. The client liked this style most, but wanted to see the drawing to loo more like Zion.

Final Illustration

Second Project

Obviously same art as first event, with minor type amendment for the new event.